Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Results

Ok so it's been a month since I ended my 30-day experiment doing a Slow Carb diet (the 4 Hour Body one) while on the job. It was a success, and I met my goal (and then some) but the "on the job" part was just as difficult as I suspected it would be.

First, let's do the results of 30 days on 4HB:

I started April at 156 lbs, but by the time I had the impulsive idea to do 4HB, I was at 154 lbs on Day 1. I had stated that my goal was to lose 7 lbs in 30 days, which would be extremely simple if I had a normal 9-5 job where I could handle every meal myself and be on a normal schedule. But I don't, and therein lay my real challenge: how to successfully accomplish this goal on my real schedule and at my job. It took planning, scouting, a lot of running about at the airports, and sometimes it just came down to luck, but here's what I accomplished.

Starting Weight: 154
Stated Goal Weight: 147
Actual Final Weight: 145

So I actually managed to lose 9 pounds in 30 days while still on my normal job and schedule. Last time I did 4HB a year or so ago, I had vacation and my airline was overstaffed and seeking voluntary leaves, so I ended up with a full month off and dropped 19 pounds. So, we can see a 10-pound difference between having full control over my schedule and meals versus not. Contributing factors included:
  • I can't speak for most pilots, but as for myself and almost everyone I work with, we pace ourselves with our water intake so that we're not constantly getting up and using the lavatory in flight. If I worked at a bigger airline (someday soon, fingers crossed) that would be one thing, but I fly regional jets where the lavatory is all the way in the aft of the cabin so we have to make what we call the "Walk of Shame" past all the customers. Additionally, since 9/11 pilots leaving the flight deck has become a major production that involves the entire crew at the regional level, and honestly it's just not worth all the hassle if I can avoid it. Off work, we drink a lot of water, but before and during flights, we just sip now and then. Being at home that month, I could drink all the water I wanted because I was free to find a restroom any time I wanted.
  • Our schedules are just too random. There were a few times we were awake around 4am but I was not able to get any food for at least 3 hours. One of the goals with 4HB is to have your first meal within 60 minutes of waking, and it just happened to work out that either I hadn't packed enough bars or whatever else to get me through that, or as I learned after logging my meals and going through all this, I don't care how much sleep I did (or did not) get, or how long it had been since my last meal, my body and brain simply has no interest in food before 5:30am at the earliest, usually 6 to 6:30am before I feel I can get any food down at all. That's just too early in the morning for me to really function well, so that affects the whole day afterward.
  • Between packing bars and smoothie mixes, I had the protein angle covered. Vegetables proved to be a challenge, however. Especially in the Charlotte airport. There are three places I can get black beans, which are great for both protein and fiber. For non-legumes vegetables, though, there weren't many choices. The BBQ place in the center atrium has a really good cucumber tomato salad, nice and tangy as well as being a cool side dish for the hot summer. If I have the time, I can run all the way down the C concourse to Sbarro where they have fresh hot steamed broccoli, carrots, cauliflower and zucchini. Or if I'm desperate and willing to risk it, there's Manchu Wok which is god-awful "mall Chinese" but they have what they refer to as "steamed vegetables" which are limp and soaked in water, grease, and who knows what else. Not sure how many nutrients are even left, and the taste is horrid but in a pinch I guess it's better than nothing. A few places serve salads to go, but they're almost always made from an iceberg lettuce base, which is practically worthless in every way except as roughage, so I usually prefer to just skip iceberg lettuce salads.
So, the experiment was a success! 9 pounds total loss, when the goal was 7. But there's more!

Losing is one thing, and one big key here is knowing that a "Diet" is simply a means to an end. One must make lifestyle changes in order to maintain the weight loss, maintain or improve their health, and so on. This is why most "diets" fail -- because people will do the diet for a short time, perhaps see some results, then go right back to their old ways and regain all the weight along with some extra pounds for good measure.

Most of June was spent using what I'd learned about what was possible at work and practicing moderation. Some of the trips I would arrive in Charlotte around lunch time so I'd stop at the new Einstein bagel place and get one of the "bagel thin" sandwiches for lunch. Low calorie, low-ish carb (for a bagel) and vegetables for fiber, etc. and a little protein from the chicken or turkey. I still relied on the Quest Nutrition bars for a high protein snack (those things are sooooo good) along with taking some of those 100 calorie almond packs in my bag. I'd eat salads or things very similar to what I ate during 4HB but allowed myself a little of the starches, fruits and dairy that is forbidden. At home I might make a black bean or some other veggie burger with those "thin buns" instead of normal burger buns and baked sweet potato fries for lunch. Again, moderation is the key. All in all, by the time the next paragraph came about, I had pretty much settled at 146 after daily fluctuations, and my body was getting accustomed to being at that weight so wasn't fighting as hard to try to get itself back in the mid-150's it had been at in April.

All along, my First Officer had been occasionally mentioning that I looked better, thinner and healthier than the last time we'd worked together. He's kind of a big guy himself in both frame and stature, though the sedentary job we have has added a lot of weight to it as well. I had told him about my 30 day project and he became interested to the point he bought the 4HB ebook himself and in the middle of one of the trips suddenly announced he was going to start 4HB that very day! I cautioned him that he wasn't really prepared since he had just read over the book the day prior so hadn't packed 4HB-compliant foods but I was relatively certain I had enough to share with him to get us through the rest of the trip. I feel that when it comes to people making positive changes to themselves, a support group is helpful and he didn't have anyone other than me to go through this with him, so I restarted 4HB along with him to be supportive for him and to serve as an example of how to do it at work. He's getting married in October and is hoping to lose 30 pounds by then, so roughly 10 pounds per month. We finished that first trip and, I won't lie, it was a little rough on both of us because we didn't have enough 4HB-compliant foods packed in our lunch bags to get us through the days without being hungry but we were always able to have a great dinner even though 4HB turns you into a high-maintenance diva at restaurants. LOL We had five days off straight then came back for our final trip together where we both had packed plenty of 4HB foods and had no troubles at all. It was great even for me to have someone else go through this with me, so I can vouch for the usefulness of any type of support group, even if that "group" is only one person. He texted me when he got home that night to weight in, and in two weeks he had already lost 10 pounds! He'd been saying all during that last trip that he had more energy, was sleeping better, wasn't hungry, and could tell his uniform was fitting a little better even if he didn't have a scale to see if he was making any progress. After seeing a 10 pound loss, he was even more excited and feels his goal of 30 pounds before his wedding is even more attainable than ever.

As for myself, those two weeks have brought me down to 141 according to my weigh-in this morning! Maybe it's a "getting older" thing, but the bits of fat in the face no longer come off as easily as they once did, and abdomen fat for men is a problem as we mature anyway. So I'm going to keep at it and see if I can get to between 135 and 137. Of course, I have vacation next week and I can tell you right now that I will be having conch fritters and pina coladas... I'll just have to stay active and balance those with protein and vegetables to try to counter the damage they'll do!

A few additional statistics:

I thought there might be a difference between my meal schedules at work versus home, but thanks to packing foods, protein bars, and smoothie mixes, that turned out to not be the case.

At both home and work, I tended to have 3 meals per day, occasionally I would either have a snack between lunch and dinner (usually a Quest bar) or there were a few times where breakfast got split into two smaller meals at work where I knew it would be a long time before I could get lunch so I'd have a bit at the hotel (or a Quest bar) then try to grab something at the airport.

Also, I averaged 4.57 hours between meals the entire month. Counted in there, however, were 6 instances at work where I went longer than 6 hours before I was able to have a meal, and one instance of over 9 hours which is not good for anyone, dieting or not, but could not be helped due to the schedule that day. I'm reading now that health experts prefer we have 4 to 5 meals per day, and those meals spaced out roughly every 5 hours, give or take 30 minutes. I probably would have done 4 meals per day but for the most part, simply did not find myself hungry enough for a second lunch beyond having the aforementioned Quest bar as a snack.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day 30

Breakfast 615am
1 sausage patty
Scrambled eggs 


Quest Bar

High Protein smoothie

Dinner 8pm
Chicken breast w/ wing sauce
Seasoned lima beans
Diet Rite

Today was the final day of the 4HB At Work experiment, and even worked out perfectly that I arrived home in time for one final meal I prepared myself that is 100% 4HB-compliant.

Will post the results soon!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Day 29

Awake 415am
Hotels don't have food this early...

Breakfast 720am
Scrambled eggs (powdered)
4 strips bacon
Coffee Starbucks

Chicken salad... salad.
Only ate less than half

Quest bar

Dinner 530pm
Chicken teriyake no rice
Diet Coke

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 28

Breakfast 615am
Quest bar
No food out at hotel before we left

BK sausage egg croissant (w/o croissant)


Dinner 530pm
Logan's Steakhouse
8oz. Sirloin
Steamed veggies
Salad w/ balsamic vinaigrette no croutons
Diet Coke

Ultimate test of willpower: staring at those hot, fresh rolls, smelling the delicious buttery aroma, and pushing them away.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day 27

Breakfast 7am
2 turkey sausage patties
1 egg
Cottage cheese

Snack 11am

Lunch 115pm
Oh Yeah! Brand protein bar

Dinner 540pm
Turkey burger patty
Black beans
3 slices tomato
Diet Coke

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 26

Breakfast 8am
5 strips turkey bacon
1 egg
Cottage cheese

Lunch 2pm
Lean1 smoothie

Dinner 630pm
Chicken breast with bbq wing sauce
Mixed veggies
Diet Rite

Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 25

I had a Cheat Day but due to my work schedule and attempting to plan Real Life things with my girlfriend, my decision was to do 4HB for breakfast and lunch on Day 23, then go to Cheat Day for dinner, continuing through lunch of Day 24 then switch back to 4HB for dinner yesterday.

I have the 4HB meals those days logged in Evernote but won't bother copying them here, so I'll just continue with today.

Breakfast 830am
4 strips turkey bacon
1 egg + egg whites
Cottage cheese

Lunch 130pm
3 slices steak blue cheese flatbread
Gladiator smoothie

Dinner 7pm
Pork loin
Mixed veggies
Diet Rite

Friday, May 18, 2012

Day 22

Breakfast 530am
5 strips of "bacon" just to get started

Chorizo omelet no cheese

Lunch 130pm
Black beans, 2 or 3 cups
Tomato cucumber salad

Dinner 615pm
Turkey burger patty
2 slices avocado
5 slices tomato
Diet coke

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 21

Early start, no breakfast at hotel, mx on originator
Quest bar
Americano from Starbucks

Second breakfast
Croissantwich, no cheese, no croissant

Lunch 2pm
Gladiator drink

Dinner 6pm
Sarku TH
chicken teriyaki, veggies, no rice

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Three Week Observations

This morning I weighed in, even though I wasn't scheduled for it yet. The scale said 146, which is one below my target, but I'm not buying it. Monday was 148 which I do believe, and indicates a one-pound loss for that trip. So numerically seeing 146 was great, but I'm chalking it up to daily fluctuations.

Looking at this past trip, I wasn't able to eat on anything remotely resembling a normal schedule, even considering the chaotic nature of my schedules to begin with. Additionally, I was under-hydrated the whole time, which is of the main reasons in my view the loss was only one pound. Still, one is better than none.

This week's trip is a very easy one in terms of legs flown. I just finished day one, which was three legs plus my commute. I had time to make my own 4HB breakfast this morning, and able to get food (with veggies even!) for lunch and dinner at a nice Thai place near the hotel. The catch is, for the rest of the trip we start between 5am to 5:30am. Hotels start breakfast, if they have one at all, around 6. So best-case scenario, assuming I wait and fly CLT then get breakfast, I'll be looking at 3+ hours from waking up til my first meal, which is definitely counter-productive to losing weight. The other factor is that I typically have difficulty eating that early anyway. I'm groggy, grumpy, and am just not even able to be hungry yet, much less actually get enough food down for a proper breakfast that will jumpstart my metabolism for the day.

I have roughly a week and a half left on this experiment. Reaching my target will be simple as I'm nearly there anyway in terms of the numerical value I was seeking. Now, I need to start including a lot more physical activity, and perhaps I should have started ramping that up earlier, so that I achieve the other part of the prize: being able to take off my shirt at the beach without being self-conscious. I still have a small (noticeably smaller than three weeks ago) pooch and still remnants of the "love handles." This is doable, of course,  I just hope it's doable on short notice, since the end is sneaking up on me without my even realizing it.

Onward! The goal is near!

As for the program itself, I've been considering the feasibility of some tweak, such as moving cheat day. It's been on Thursdays so far, mostly due to my work schedule when I impulsively started this project, not because it's an ideal day. For example, this weekend I get home early enough to do stuff with my girlfriend so we plan on seeing The Avengers then dinner, then Sunday breakfast at the beach. So I'm thinking pushing cheat day til the weekend. Do 4HB until I get home Saturday afternoon then let it continue until Sunday afternoon and return to 4HB for dinner.

Day 20

Breakfast 7am
4 strips turkey bacon
1 egg
Cottage cheese

Early and behind, so wasn't hungry or thirsty.
Weigh in 146

Lunch 2pm
CVG Panda Express
Mushroom Chicken, chicken, non-breaded, zucchini, mushrooms in light sauce
Mixed vegetables, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, string beans, zucchini

Snack 330pm
Quest bar
Meant to have this with lunch but ran out of time

Dinner 645pm
Suri West in BHM
Stir fry vegetables: broccoli, cabbage, carrots, celery, green beans, onions, shitake mushrooms with tofu
Diet Coke

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 19

Breakfast 9am
4 turkey sausage links
1 whole egg + egg whites
Cottage cheese
Lunch 2m
High Protein smoothie
Dinner 8pm
Pork loin
Baby mixed vegetables
Leftovers from last night except spinach which I always cook fresh

Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 18

Breakfast 9am
4 strips turkey bacon
1 whole egg + egg whites
black lentils
Power Walk 12pm
4700 steps
4 Brazil nuts
Lunch 1pm
Gladiator smoothie
Dinner 7pm
Pork tenderloin, broiled
Mixed baby vegetables
Diet Rite

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day 17

Breakfast 620am
Same hotel so same breakfast,
3 sausage links
2 egg discs, hot sauce and black pepper to give it any flavor
Lunch 2pm
Gladiator drink
Dinner 830pm
Lemon pepper tuna steak
Mixed vegetables

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day 16

Breakfast 745am
3 "sausage" links
2 "discs" of fake eggs
Ugh, I barely got this stuff down, and I'm relatively certain none of it was real food. Gross, but all that was available.
Lunch 315pm
Gladiator smoothie
Dry rub ribs half rack
Black beans

Friday, May 11, 2012

Day 15

Breakfast 9am
4 strips turkey bacon
1 whole egg + egg whites

Lunch 1pm
Gladiator smoothie 45g protein

Dinner 545pm
Chicken breast with maybe 2 tbsp bbq sauce
mixed vegetables with black beans
couple tablespoons of black lentils for extra protein boost

Boring meals today, but the chicken breast was actually quite good! I got one of those huge bags of frozen breasts last week, and planned ahead today by setting one out on the balcony on a plate to thaw out so it would be ready by the time I'd need it. Planning a meal ahead of time isn't something I'm fond of because by the time dinner rolls around I may not be in the mood for what I'd thought of in the morning. But 4HB isn't meant to be exciting, it's meant to get results.

Day 14


This was my second cheat day. I won't bother writing out the meals, suffice to say I made sure I had exactly what I wasn't supposed to, though I noticed this week I was even more boring about it than last week. If anything, I probably didn't eat enough, but I felt fine so... whatever.

What I do want to jot down is whether I want to make sure to go a straight six days like I have been. That is the official 4HB method, but I don't have a normal work week or normal job, so it may work out better if for the next two weeks I slightly adjust things to have my cheat days on something other than Thursdays. The only reason it ended up being a Thursday was due to the day I started 4HB and I did the program by the book.

For example, we plan on seeing The Avengers next weekend, since it's the first time in a couple months I will have had any weekend time at all. For the sake of popcorn (LOL) it may be advantageous to shift my cheat day to whichever day we commit to the movie, which will mean exceeding six days one week and potentially going less than six another. We'll see what I decide and how the effects of that decision affects my progress on this experiment.

My official weigh-in is 149 this week, so only 2 pounds to go to my target number! Yay! Now, I'm actually considering adjusting it down to 145, which is the lowest my better half has given me permission to reach. :) So, while I will still be doing 4HB as best as I can at work -- which was ultimately the point of this experiment, in addition to losing the few pounds -- starting next week I'm going to start adding more physical activity and workouts to the mix. Getting the number on the scale is one thing, but overall health, strength and body shape is the larger part of the equation. I'm realistic enough to know that in the final two weeks before my birthday I'm not going to suddenly look like a male model, but I'm hoping a combination of 4HB plus constant toning will at least give me the confidence to take my shirt off at the beach without being self-conscious for a change.

Day 13


Breakfast 830am
4 strips turkey bacon
1 whole egg + egg white

Lunch 130pm
Gladiator smoothie mix 45g protein
This is the new protein meal replacement drink mix that Smoothie King sells. It's something like $45 for the jug so it's not cheap but it's a low-carb mix that for the most part seems to fit with 4HB. This is my first time trying one at home, and it was really good because I used ice cubes plus a little water in a blender to make it just like the frozen smoothie shakes you'd get from the store. At work, my plan is to put one serving (two scoops of mix) in a sandwich bag for easy transport and just use cold water and ice in my smoothie travel cup. So it'll be pure liquid at work versus the shake I can make at home. We'll see how that goes over in a few days.

Snack 4:30pm
Quest bar
I noticed on the carton it says to microwave for 15 seconds for a warm chewy bar. Yes! It's like a brownie fresh out of the oven, all warm and gooey and easy to eat.

Dinner 7pm
spiced tofu steak
mixed vegetables with navy beans

Day 12


Breakfast 9am
3 turkey sausage links 15g
1 whole egg + egg whites
cottage cheese

Lunch 130pm
High Protein smoothie, almond mocha flavor (yeah, I know, but this thing is seriously filling and yummy!)

Dinner 6pm
pulled pork, maybe 1 cup worth?
mustard bbq sauce
mixed vegetables with navy beans
Diet Rite

Day 11

I had issues with the Blogger app so had to re-write these. Will edit them from my PC when I get home to reflect the proper dates posted, in the meantime I'll just stick the date in the body here.


Breakfast 9am
Buffet at hotel:
Coffee & Water
Scrambled eggs
summer sausage links?

Lunch 1pm
Burrito bowl, chicken, black beans, tomato, guacamole

Dinner 830pm
Tuna steak, lemon pepper, 36g protein
mixed vegetables
Diet Rite

Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 10

Today ended up being another pain in the arse day for getting decent meals, and tomorrow looks to be the same. I slept horribly at the hotel for a number of reasons, so woke up just in time to stumble downstairs for breakfast. They were already pulling the food, so all I got was scrambled (powdered, not real) eggs, maybe 2 cups worth. And coffee. Coffee was a glorious thing this morning. :)  Back in my room, I ate a Quest bar to hopefully get the initial protein intake up to 30 grams.

Breakfast 10am
Fake eggs, 2 cups-ish
Quest bar

Around noon my crew was hungry and wanted to walk to a nearby mall for lunch.

Lunch 12:30pm
Teriyake chicken, no rice, extra vegetables

I only ate maybe 1/3 of the meal, since it was less than 3 hours since what passed for breakfast. I packed up the rest for dinner later.

Dinner 6pm
Finished off the teriyake chicken

Snack 11pm
Quest bar

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day 9

Breakfast 1030am
Woke up later than planned, but a few nights of being up too late and up too early had caught up to me. Ended up at the hotel breakfast buffet, so values are guesstimates at best.

Scrambled eggs, maybe 2 cups
5 strips bacon
1 sausage link
3/4 cup cottage cheese

Estimated total 30 grams protein

Lunch 5pm
Tomato cucumber salad
Quest protein bar 20 grams protein

Dinner 9pm
Burrito bowl, no rice, no tortilla:
Chicken, black beans, lettuce, tomato, pico de gallo, dollop of guacamole
Guesstimate: 30 grams protein, maybe more

Today was whacked in terms of schedule, obviously, and the meals suffered from a lack of time between flights to get anything better.

I wanted to take a minute to talk about the new bar I mentioned, from Quest Nutrition. Ever since getting this job, I've learned to always have some sort of meal replacement or protein bar for emergencies. I've read a few times now that the Quest bars are pretty much the best out there, so i ordered a box. Half their bars are sweetened with sucralose, the other half with stevia extract, which is the column I chose from. Looking over the ingredient list, I can already see why they are so highly thought of. Not only are these bars 100% 4HB-compliant, they're made of quality ingredients period. Last week, I had packed Oh Yeah! and Supreme Protein brands bars, both of which were huge in size, packing 30 grams protein or more per bar. The Quest bars are smaller, roughly the length of an average candy bar like Snickers, but only perhaps 2/3 the thickness of one, and contain 20 grams protein.
Most bars have an artificial chocolate, peanut butter, or vanilla coating, then the insides have a crunchy or caramel-like feel, very reminiscent of a candy bar. This Quest bar (coconut cashew) has no coating at all, in fact the entire bar is identical through and through and reminds me more of a blonde brownie than anything. But it's quite dense, and therefore slower to chew. Think of taking say 3 or 4 Little Debbie brownies and super-compressing them into a Snickers-size bar. They taste great though, and with the ingredient list, I have to say I'm now a huge fan, 4HB or not.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Day 8

Day 7 (Thursday) was Cheat Day, so I didn't feel the need to blog that. Suffice to say I enjoyed white carbs, fatty foods, fruit and dairy. Didn't get too crazy but I made sure to get enough insulin response, etc. to jump start my body to get things going today. (Actually, I'm writing this on Saturday. Friday got hectic with prepping and traveling to work.)

Breakfast 9am
3 turkey sausage links
1 whole egg supplemented with egg whites
3/4 cup cottage cheese
1 cup (possibly more) spinach

Total estimated protein: 43 grams

Lunch 1:30pm
Things were going haywire now and getting behind schedule so I didn't get the lunch I wanted, and ended up with a Supreme Protein meal replacement bar, weighing in at 30 grams.

Dinner 6:30pm
Turkey burger patty with mushrooms and tomato slices
black beans

As you can see, today was nearly a complete failure at getting quality vegetable intake other than spinach for breakfast and a couple tomato slices at dinner. Fingers crossed tomorrow works better.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Day 6

Breakfast 10am
Woke up around 920am and got started making breakfast. Remember, one of the ideal goals with 4HB is consuming at least 30g protein within one hour of waking. And cold water. I have a helluva time drinking water in the morning, but especially cold water for some reason, so that part is a real challenge for me.

2 whole eggs 12g protein. 1 egg also has 212g cholesterol so I will probably back this down to 1 egg combined with egg whites for the rest of the month.
4 turkey sausage links 20g protein (5g each). Normally if I do links I make 3, probably just habit because that's what you're served in restaurants. I increased to 4 because I didn't know the protein value of a whole egg until I looked it up after the fact.
1/2 cup cottage cheese 15g protein
2 cups spinach 1.2g protein
Coffee, sweetened with Truvia and non-dairy creamer powder.

Total estimated protein for this meal: 48g! This will likely become one of my staple breakfasts this month when I'm home and able to cook. Now that I have more math, I will back the whole eggs down to 1, and probably 3 links, so the adjusted value next time should be around 37g protein.

Lunch 1:30pm
Did the "High Protein" smoothie again from Smoothie King. It's a great one while out doing errands, very filling and the almond mocha flavored one is to die for!

Power Walk 4pm
40 minutes or so power walking, did the same route as yesterday.

Dinner 7pm
I don't have nutritional information because I got the foods at Native Sun from their deli.
Five-spice tofu "steak"
Miso ginger tofu salad - talk about excellent roughage, this salad used kale instead of lettuce or typical greens
Grilled baby vegetables mix
Diet Rite soda

Casual Walk
More just for conversation and post-dinner movement than anything, my girlfriend and I took a walk around my condo complex for maybe 30 minutes before she had to leave. Still, it was better than plopping down for gaming immediately after dinner.

Totally forgot until earlier today that tomorrow is Cheat Day! I'm not actually prepared for that, LOL but it's easy to deal with.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day 5

Ok, now I'm home so I can go full-bore on this project for a few days before my next trip. My original plan yesterday was that I was scheduled to get home at 5pm and I was going to do the Power 90 (normal, not P90X) "sculpting" (ie. resistance) workout then go shopping for food and get dinner with my girlfriend. But due to the whole "hell in a handbasket" at work, I didn't get home until nearly 10:30pm and was entirely too exhausted for a workout or shop, not to mention the stores I frequent were already closed for the night.

Woke up around 8:40am and immediately drank a glass of ice water along with a big spoonful of almond butter, then went to catch up on my RSS feeds before heading back to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Breakfast 920am
Egg whites with mushrooms, seasoned with black pepper and hot sauce
Black lentils (bleh, next time hot sauce goes on these bad boys too!)
Tomato slices

Lunch 1pm
High Protein (that's it's name) from Smoothie King, but replaced the normal recipe's protein powder with their Gladiator protein, which I'm 80% or so certain fits in with 4HB. I don't usually believe in "drinking meals" because shakes like that never quench my hunger and I've read your brain pretty much ignores liquid calories for it's hunger queues, but this one particular smoothie is the exception that I've found so far.
16oz bottle of water

Also went shopping and got a full order of supplements: B-Complex (required while taking PAGG), Calcium (already had some), Magnesium and Potassium.
Bought a 25lb kettle bell, which I'm almost positive will be too much for now, but enough that I can grow into it over the next few weeks and beyond. I'm looking forward to seeing what a kettle bell swing exercise can do for me.
Finally, I got the Iron Gym Extreme bar. Hopefully it works. It's supposed to snap on and off a door frame for pull-ups, which is the main reason I've wanted one, but it also serves for dips. The final phase of the P90 workout does dips and it gets old, as well as uncomfortable, throwing all the cushions off the couch to do dips on.

Power Walk 4pm
An hour later than I'd planned, but between running around shopping for the stuff I mentioned and catching up with the fine folks on Google+ I had to take what I could. On the plus side, the extra work by body went through generating the perspiration just might help me get to sleep easier tonight.
30 minutes power walking which clocked in at 3400 paces on my pedometer (unsure how calibrated it is, however) and I took a 16.9oz bottle of water and a 100-calorie pack of Emerald roasted almonds at 3g protein, 4g carbs, 2g fiber and 8g fats.

In addition to the fact that I enjoy walking for the "me time" it should also serve to warm up my whole body and limbs, which I hear is extra important for men as we approach or surpass our fourth decade. /frown

After a brief water and towel-down, on to the kettle bell! I'm quite certain my form was not correct, but it seemed pretty close; enough for the first time anyway. I did five dead lifts in proper form, then a total of 50 swings, broken down into 20 reps, then 15, then 10. I'll repeat the kettle bell swings Thursday.

Dinner 8pm
Albacore tuna steak (pre-packaged Mesquite seasoned) 35g protein
Frozen baby vegetables 3g protein
Not my planned dinner at all, but things changed so I just made do with this. I was thinking about making a serving of spinach and having one serving (the package is 3) of the frozen veggies, but I didn't want to dirty a pan just for one item so I skipped it and had the entire package of vegetables.
Diet Rite soda

Grocery shopping should be good to go for the rest of the week and next, I hope.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 4

Today started off well enough, though breakfast ended up being another protein bar since the hotel only served carbs and fruit, neither of which are allowed.

Breakfast #1 730am
Supreme Protein brand Peanut Butter & Jelly bar
Coffee at the hotel before we left, maybe 3/4 of a styrofoam cup worth

Breakfast #2 930am
Chorizo omelete, no cheese from Rum Bar
Tomato Slices

Not bad so far, and filling enough that the omelet served as brunch since we started our day at 5am.

But then things went to hell at work and we had no food and little water until evening.

Dinner 645pm
Turkey burger patty from Rum Bar
Black beans
Diet Coke

So, yeah, roughly 9 hours with nothing whatsoever. Not pretty, and we were all feeling the affects of hunger and dehydration by the time we finally arrived back in base and rushed to have dinner before our flights home. At least I got to stick with 4HB-style meals all day, and the little I did eat was great.

I weighed in once I arrived home, had a shower and all that; probably not the best time to do it but I was curious if I was successful at all at work because it didn't feel like it even though I was doing my best to conform to the limitations of 4HB and what's available in the airports or hotel areas we were at. The scale says I'm down 2 pounds! :) So, it must be working. Now I'm home for a few days where I can really give it my all before the next trip.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day 3

Breakfast within one hour of waking wasn't going to happen, so I had a protein bar during our first flight.

Breakfast 9:40am
This time was an Oh Yeah! brand Peanut Butter and Strawberry Jelly bar which clocked in at 27 grams of protein, 32 grams total carbs, 4 grams of fiber. 10 Points Plus on the Weight Watcher's calculator.
18oz water
Tall coffee from Starbucks with Truvia and a little half & half

Lunch 2pm
My flight attendant rescued me from despair about the gross vegetables from that horrible little Chinese place. She said S'barro's has fresh steamed vegetables! It's all the way down on the C concourse though, so no time for the whole "buh bye" thing while passengers are deplaning, I have to haul ass.
S'barro: steamed veggies (broccoli, squash, carrots)
Tequileria: black beans

Workout 540pm
15 minute workout with the Workout Trainer app. Crew was hungry, didn't want to wait on a longer workout

Dinner 630pm
Teriyake salmon and shrimp
Vegetables: broccoli, carrots, baby corn
Miso soup
Salad with ginger dressing, tomatoes, cucumbers
Green tea

Not sure how that fared overall with 4HB but it was the best I could come up with. The restaurant was very, very nice but does not accommodate substitutions. Forgot to take a PAGG with me so I'll skip it and just do the Night PAGG before bed.

The veggies from S'barro were awesome so they just became my new favorite place next month while I'm at work. Pairing them with a side order of black beans worked great for a filling lunch.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day 2

Today made me question even more how this is going to work while I'm at work traveling.

Breakfast 9:30am
The hotel serves breakfast so I picked the only few items that fit 4HB
2 sausage patties
1 egg "omelette" I think they were made from powdered eggs, and no cheese, which isn't allowed on 4HB anyway
Container of around 0.7oz peanut butter
Coffee with 1/4 container half&half and Truvia sweetener

Probably not enough protein to start the day, but I took the last omelette and I don't think I could have stood a second one anyway, or a tried sausage patty. I also had a little water while getting dressed, and more once back to my room. Nowhere near the recommended amount though.

I had a little time before work so I tried one of the fitness apps for the first time. I chose Workout Trainer which was nice other than not supporting landscape view for tablets. I did the Beginner Blast workout, which was about 20 minutes of low-impact cardio and low-resistance yoga. I had just enough time to shower and get my uniform on to catch the van to the airport.

Lunch 2pm
I brought a few protein bars just in case I was hungry in flight or would not have time to get food before the next flight. I've never tried the brands I bought so this is an experiment into itself. Today I chose the Supreme Protein brand Rocky Road bar. 30 grams of protein, 2 grams fiber. The Points Plus calculator says it's 10 points! The thing was a monster and took about 30 minutes to eat, though part of that I was busy doing my job.

Dinner 6:30pm
Turkey sandwich no bun from Carolina Pit BBQ
Tomato cucumber salad

This ended up being a lighter meal than planned and I was hungry a few hours later.

Dinner #2 8:30pm
Turkey burger patty from Bad Daddy Burgers, no bun
2 slices of tomato

One of the big lessons so far is that vegetables are not easy to come by. There are 3 places that serve black beans, a couple where I can get tomatoes. Some of the kiosks sell trays with celery and cheese. Can't have cheese so it ends up being really expensive celery and I can't even have the ranch dip. There's a terrible Chinese place that slops some "grilled" vegetables. Tastes horrible but I may have to just suck it up to get some vegetable intake.

Day One

Yesterday was the first day of my trip. 5 legs plus my commute flight for a total of 17 hours from waking up to arriving at the hotel. Needless to say, no time for physical activities, which is often the case at work.

Friday's meals consisted of:

Breakfast 8am
1 whole egg, over medium
3 strips of no nitrate turkey bacon
Cottage cheese, just a guess maybe 3 tablespoons worth
Spinach, roughly 1/2 cup or more once cooked
Coffee, sweetened with Truvia, 1 teaspoon non-dairy creamer
PAGG tablet

Lunch 2pm
Black beans from Tequilaria; no idea how much, more than I expected. 2 cups is my estimate.
Diced tomatoes
1 tablespoon guacamole; I was hoping for sliced avacado but no luck. Not fond of guacamole.
PAGG tablet

Lunch doesn't sound like much, but it was quite filling thanks to how much black beans they served. That should fit the bill for caloric-dense legumes and protein for that meal.

Dinner 6:30pm
Turkey burger, patty only from Rum Bar
Black beans, 1 cup or so
Salad consisting of greens and lettuce, carrots, celery, tomatoes and "tropical vinegrette" dressing
PAGG tablet

That meal was larger than it may sound and was very filling. Or so I thought. Around 9pm during our break before our final leg, I was getting really hungry. That's typical, you have to eat more with 4HB, and lunch may not have been caloric-dense enough or something. I was tempted by a small frozen yogurt from Pinkberry's but ended up snacking on a slice of Naturally Delicious brand banana bread. Bread is obviously a "bad carb" but I was out of options at that time. It came up as 4 Points Plus on the Weight Watcher's calculator, which is a typical WW-brand frozen dessert value.

By 12:30am I was in my hotel room, and took the Night PAGG tablet. Wow, that thing smells! That must be the one loaded with the most garlic or something.

What Day One At Work tells me is that I didn't plan well enough in what I packed with me, and what would be available at the airports. I knew this going in, however -- this project was a very impulsive last-minute decision Thursday and I spent a lot of time driving around picking up random things that came to mind, including the PAGG stack which I've never used before, so didn't really get a chance to outline a better plan. We'll see how the rest of this trip goes and if I can take lessons this week and apply them toward the rest of the remaining month.

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Mission

A few days ago, April 24th, was exactly one month before my birthday. I am currently 7 pounds over my target weight of 147. They are a stubborn 7 pounds, so I'm forcing the issue by attempting a most-likely tweaked Slow Carb Diet. I did it -- the Four Hour Body version -- once before with great success, but at the time I was on vacation with a couple bonus weeks off work. My job is the bane of many things, 4HB among them. Random hours, never knowing when or what I'll eat next. I've tried packing my own foods, but have been unsuccessful at keeping it cool enough to stay fresh with no refrigeration on the aircraft and never guaranteed a refrigerator at whatever hotel we happen to be in on any given night.

So, 7 pounds by May 24. I plan by starting with as close to the 4HB program as I can get on the road, then if it works, start migrating off the "diet" mentality (means to an end) back into more of a healthy lifestyle, which I mostly sorta-kinda do anyway.

I will try to document my progress and thoughts here along the way!