Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Three Week Observations

This morning I weighed in, even though I wasn't scheduled for it yet. The scale said 146, which is one below my target, but I'm not buying it. Monday was 148 which I do believe, and indicates a one-pound loss for that trip. So numerically seeing 146 was great, but I'm chalking it up to daily fluctuations.

Looking at this past trip, I wasn't able to eat on anything remotely resembling a normal schedule, even considering the chaotic nature of my schedules to begin with. Additionally, I was under-hydrated the whole time, which is of the main reasons in my view the loss was only one pound. Still, one is better than none.

This week's trip is a very easy one in terms of legs flown. I just finished day one, which was three legs plus my commute. I had time to make my own 4HB breakfast this morning, and able to get food (with veggies even!) for lunch and dinner at a nice Thai place near the hotel. The catch is, for the rest of the trip we start between 5am to 5:30am. Hotels start breakfast, if they have one at all, around 6. So best-case scenario, assuming I wait and fly CLT then get breakfast, I'll be looking at 3+ hours from waking up til my first meal, which is definitely counter-productive to losing weight. The other factor is that I typically have difficulty eating that early anyway. I'm groggy, grumpy, and am just not even able to be hungry yet, much less actually get enough food down for a proper breakfast that will jumpstart my metabolism for the day.

I have roughly a week and a half left on this experiment. Reaching my target will be simple as I'm nearly there anyway in terms of the numerical value I was seeking. Now, I need to start including a lot more physical activity, and perhaps I should have started ramping that up earlier, so that I achieve the other part of the prize: being able to take off my shirt at the beach without being self-conscious. I still have a small (noticeably smaller than three weeks ago) pooch and still remnants of the "love handles." This is doable, of course,  I just hope it's doable on short notice, since the end is sneaking up on me without my even realizing it.

Onward! The goal is near!

As for the program itself, I've been considering the feasibility of some tweak, such as moving cheat day. It's been on Thursdays so far, mostly due to my work schedule when I impulsively started this project, not because it's an ideal day. For example, this weekend I get home early enough to do stuff with my girlfriend so we plan on seeing The Avengers then dinner, then Sunday breakfast at the beach. So I'm thinking pushing cheat day til the weekend. Do 4HB until I get home Saturday afternoon then let it continue until Sunday afternoon and return to 4HB for dinner.

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