Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day 3

Breakfast within one hour of waking wasn't going to happen, so I had a protein bar during our first flight.

Breakfast 9:40am
This time was an Oh Yeah! brand Peanut Butter and Strawberry Jelly bar which clocked in at 27 grams of protein, 32 grams total carbs, 4 grams of fiber. 10 Points Plus on the Weight Watcher's calculator.
18oz water
Tall coffee from Starbucks with Truvia and a little half & half

Lunch 2pm
My flight attendant rescued me from despair about the gross vegetables from that horrible little Chinese place. She said S'barro's has fresh steamed vegetables! It's all the way down on the C concourse though, so no time for the whole "buh bye" thing while passengers are deplaning, I have to haul ass.
S'barro: steamed veggies (broccoli, squash, carrots)
Tequileria: black beans

Workout 540pm
15 minute workout with the Workout Trainer app. Crew was hungry, didn't want to wait on a longer workout

Dinner 630pm
Teriyake salmon and shrimp
Vegetables: broccoli, carrots, baby corn
Miso soup
Salad with ginger dressing, tomatoes, cucumbers
Green tea

Not sure how that fared overall with 4HB but it was the best I could come up with. The restaurant was very, very nice but does not accommodate substitutions. Forgot to take a PAGG with me so I'll skip it and just do the Night PAGG before bed.

The veggies from S'barro were awesome so they just became my new favorite place next month while I'm at work. Pairing them with a side order of black beans worked great for a filling lunch.

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