Friday, April 27, 2012

The Mission

A few days ago, April 24th, was exactly one month before my birthday. I am currently 7 pounds over my target weight of 147. They are a stubborn 7 pounds, so I'm forcing the issue by attempting a most-likely tweaked Slow Carb Diet. I did it -- the Four Hour Body version -- once before with great success, but at the time I was on vacation with a couple bonus weeks off work. My job is the bane of many things, 4HB among them. Random hours, never knowing when or what I'll eat next. I've tried packing my own foods, but have been unsuccessful at keeping it cool enough to stay fresh with no refrigeration on the aircraft and never guaranteed a refrigerator at whatever hotel we happen to be in on any given night.

So, 7 pounds by May 24. I plan by starting with as close to the 4HB program as I can get on the road, then if it works, start migrating off the "diet" mentality (means to an end) back into more of a healthy lifestyle, which I mostly sorta-kinda do anyway.

I will try to document my progress and thoughts here along the way!

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