Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 4

Today started off well enough, though breakfast ended up being another protein bar since the hotel only served carbs and fruit, neither of which are allowed.

Breakfast #1 730am
Supreme Protein brand Peanut Butter & Jelly bar
Coffee at the hotel before we left, maybe 3/4 of a styrofoam cup worth

Breakfast #2 930am
Chorizo omelete, no cheese from Rum Bar
Tomato Slices

Not bad so far, and filling enough that the omelet served as brunch since we started our day at 5am.

But then things went to hell at work and we had no food and little water until evening.

Dinner 645pm
Turkey burger patty from Rum Bar
Black beans
Diet Coke

So, yeah, roughly 9 hours with nothing whatsoever. Not pretty, and we were all feeling the affects of hunger and dehydration by the time we finally arrived back in base and rushed to have dinner before our flights home. At least I got to stick with 4HB-style meals all day, and the little I did eat was great.

I weighed in once I arrived home, had a shower and all that; probably not the best time to do it but I was curious if I was successful at all at work because it didn't feel like it even though I was doing my best to conform to the limitations of 4HB and what's available in the airports or hotel areas we were at. The scale says I'm down 2 pounds! :) So, it must be working. Now I'm home for a few days where I can really give it my all before the next trip.

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