Saturday, May 5, 2012

Day 8

Day 7 (Thursday) was Cheat Day, so I didn't feel the need to blog that. Suffice to say I enjoyed white carbs, fatty foods, fruit and dairy. Didn't get too crazy but I made sure to get enough insulin response, etc. to jump start my body to get things going today. (Actually, I'm writing this on Saturday. Friday got hectic with prepping and traveling to work.)

Breakfast 9am
3 turkey sausage links
1 whole egg supplemented with egg whites
3/4 cup cottage cheese
1 cup (possibly more) spinach

Total estimated protein: 43 grams

Lunch 1:30pm
Things were going haywire now and getting behind schedule so I didn't get the lunch I wanted, and ended up with a Supreme Protein meal replacement bar, weighing in at 30 grams.

Dinner 6:30pm
Turkey burger patty with mushrooms and tomato slices
black beans

As you can see, today was nearly a complete failure at getting quality vegetable intake other than spinach for breakfast and a couple tomato slices at dinner. Fingers crossed tomorrow works better.

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