Friday, May 11, 2012

Day 14


This was my second cheat day. I won't bother writing out the meals, suffice to say I made sure I had exactly what I wasn't supposed to, though I noticed this week I was even more boring about it than last week. If anything, I probably didn't eat enough, but I felt fine so... whatever.

What I do want to jot down is whether I want to make sure to go a straight six days like I have been. That is the official 4HB method, but I don't have a normal work week or normal job, so it may work out better if for the next two weeks I slightly adjust things to have my cheat days on something other than Thursdays. The only reason it ended up being a Thursday was due to the day I started 4HB and I did the program by the book.

For example, we plan on seeing The Avengers next weekend, since it's the first time in a couple months I will have had any weekend time at all. For the sake of popcorn (LOL) it may be advantageous to shift my cheat day to whichever day we commit to the movie, which will mean exceeding six days one week and potentially going less than six another. We'll see what I decide and how the effects of that decision affects my progress on this experiment.

My official weigh-in is 149 this week, so only 2 pounds to go to my target number! Yay! Now, I'm actually considering adjusting it down to 145, which is the lowest my better half has given me permission to reach. :) So, while I will still be doing 4HB as best as I can at work -- which was ultimately the point of this experiment, in addition to losing the few pounds -- starting next week I'm going to start adding more physical activity and workouts to the mix. Getting the number on the scale is one thing, but overall health, strength and body shape is the larger part of the equation. I'm realistic enough to know that in the final two weeks before my birthday I'm not going to suddenly look like a male model, but I'm hoping a combination of 4HB plus constant toning will at least give me the confidence to take my shirt off at the beach without being self-conscious for a change.

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